Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My Internship Experience@Awesome
I was assigned under the VP of Karvy to undertake my project(I will introduce him the last para...because ending should always be positive). I was impressed by the professionalism and concept of hierarchy followed in an office. Within days of joining, my teammate and I were given a project. With the help of my over supportive seniors, I know I am doing a great job. Since I want to specialize in marketing and finance, I am taking my work very seriously; after all, my seniors expect results. My day starts at 9.30 am and ends at 5 pm. I firmly believe that sitting in office and doing loads of thinking is not good for health! So, meeting clients is the most exciting part. It brings me more exposure and maturity. So I took time and visited some investor.
And it doesn’t end in this note I also went to some plywood manufacturing and trading companies as my father is in this great business. In Bangalore I went and had a talk with many of them so that it can give loads of idea and exposure to me. Also I was in search of some good business avenues which I can plan for the coming future, and I did so. What am I learning from my internship? Patience and enthusiasm is the key to perfect work. Landing an internship wasn’t as stress-filled as the first few days at the workplace. The whole ‘corporate stuff’ idea was rather wonder inspiring.
During one of the initial days, I was a little confused about the project and its related work, but after finalization of our company guide everything went smooth and it was a awesome to work under him rather I should rectify the statement working with him. As he treated us equally and never differentiated from their own staff and we interns. Frankly speaking he is such a cooperative person….just mind blowing……….idea of each and every field, you can ask him anything under this sun he will crack it……….it turned out to be a ice-breaking session. He thought us both mix of marketing and finance both in such a fashion that u will be master of both. Thanks to them, I have never felt completely lost. And one thing I am forgetting to mention he have thought the concept of HONEST RASCAL which is very true in this era and I think everyone should follow it.
There have been several times when we interns worked late into the night and were then treated to pizzas and maggis. I know this experience is preparing me to take that final plunge into the corporate world. From a no-strings attached college life to routine office life, the seriousness of a career is gradually sinking in.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Aamir Khan Is Back In Action
Bike shows a man bringing home a new bike. As the entire neighbourhood participate in his happiness, a neighbour even test-rides it. Khan plays the role of both a speaker and viewer, with a bottle of the coke and declaring that whenever one enjoys the simple moments of life, he’ll find a bottle of Coca-Cola around.
The Chess commercial has two old aged men playing the game, while observers get involved and start siding with the one who’s losing, giving him advice on how to turn the game around. When the loser turns winner , Khan, the messenger, concludes, “Aap Muskurayenge, Bulbuley Gungunayenge.” (When you smile, so do the bubbles in a bottle of Coca-Cola).
Abroad, the interpretation of Open Happiness is about leisure activity or fantasy. The Indian take has been twisted: the way Indians celebrate is different from the way the world celebrates and they celebrate even in the smallest things and all coming together.
Personal happiness becomes a whole community’s celebration, as the new bike becomes an occasion for the neighbourhood to celebrate, or the board game has everyone helping the loser.
‘Bulbuley’ has been used in both the ads certain because it paints a picture of bubbles singing and playing with joy .
According to me ads are nice but “this treatment of Aamir lacks the freshness the earlier ads had”. If you can recapitulate the with thanda matlab …..ads or Jashn Mana Le it had a excitement touch with enjoyment. And the current two ads are having a emotional touch which is the plus point of the ad.
Whatever may be, khan 44, is constantly reinventing himself either for his looks or something else….he is always in news……………
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Nokia Success
How did Nokia take the lead in the Indian mobile phone market, ahead of companies such as Ericsson, Motorola, LG and Samsung? According to me, Nokia's strategy combined focusing on the mobile phone market, establishing crucial distribution partnerships, making early investments in manufacturing and brand-building, and developing innovative product features -- such as mobile phones that could double as flashlights.
Nokia was completely focused on mobile phones; others had consumer electronics, home appliances, etc. They invested before everybody else -- in the brand, in people, in distribution
Nokia started distributing its phones through a partnership with HCL (formerly Hindustan Computers Ltd.), which had already built an extensive network for its own products. Recently, Nokia has decided to supplement some markets with its own distribution efforts and some markets jointly.
The other big investment area that has set Nokia apart from other telecom firms is manufacturing facilities and R&D. Nokia has several R&D centers and labs in India. More importantly, it established a $150 million handset manufacturing facility in Chennai in 2005.
Building the Brand…………………..
Another crucial aspect of Nokia's investment strategy focused on building its brand. The Nokia range available in India extends from Rs 1499 at the lower end to Rs 45,000 at the high end. Marketing theory says a brand cannot be all things to all people. This is the reason that Hindustan Unilever, with quality built around its brand, refused to match Nirma, which came out with a cheap detergent.
Instead, Nokia is promoting platforms -- music, for instance. With this approach, one model can replace another while the branding remains the same, or is extended slightly with the E series and N series. "Nokia has done well to focus on the 'mother' brand rather than on 'another' brand. Nokia has understood the Indian market by across all segments: the high, the middle and the low end.
In fact some of its models -- the handsets, not the strategies -- are unique to India having a torch built into a mobile phone is a distinct and tangible benefit. Innovation is something which consumers reward in this market.
A cell phone is a huge style icon for the Indian masses: 62% of Indians buy a cell phone because of its looks. That is something that is not true anywhere else in the world. It's as huge a style statement as your watch, pen, cufflinks or bag. Hence, the brand matters quite a lot.
"It is also a driver of a lot of economic activity. It is also the ultimate entertainment device. You have music on it now, in terms of radio and stored music. The day is not far when you will see movie clips and TV.
Being number one also comes with the responsibility to expand the market. You have to show strong innovation and strong initiatives. You have to look at the future and say, 'this is where the future will be and this is how we have to plan for it.'
So it’s a great challenge for Nokia to retain its position.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Why Ratan Tata is not in the top list ?
Here is a Real Story of Ratan Tata. So many people around the world want to know that "What is the Net Worth of Ratan Tata"?
TATA Group is running 96 businesses and out of which 28 Companies are publically listed on the various stock exchanges.Tata Group is world's top 50 Group according to Market capitalization and Reputation.
Have you ever thought why Ratan tata's name is not in the list of billionaire's club? why Ratan Tata is not a billionaire on the Forbes magazine list of billionaire people of the world?
The reason is that, TATA Group's 96 companies are held by its main Company "TATA Sons" and the main owner of this TATA Sons is not RatanTata but various charitable organizations developed and run by TATA Group.
Out of which JRD TATA Trust & Sir Ratan Tata Trust are the main. 65% ownership of TATA Sons which is the key holding company of the other 96 TATA Group Company is held by various charitable organizations.
So this 65% ownership ownership of Tata sons Limited is not reflectedon Ratan Tata's personal Financial Statement but on the various charitable organizations. And this is the reason why Ratan Tata is not in the list of Billionaire club.
If we put this 65% ownership of Tata Sons in Ratan TATA's own personal financial statement then Ratan Tata's Net worth can become more than $70 billion. and that's much more than the Warren Buffet's Current NetWorth of $ 62 billion, the world's richest person according to Forbes magazine 2008.
However, it doesn't mean that Ratan Tata is poor. In one interviews he had told the reporter that, "I have my own Capital". He is the chairman of Tata Group so obviously he earns lots of money every yearas a bonus, remuneration and salary. However, Ratan Tata's Net worth is not $ 1 Billion.
He is not a billionaire on paper. but in reality he is the richest person of the world. His net worth in reality is more than Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. So the good thing about Tata Group is that, They do Charity out of their Money...
And that is the reason TATA Group has generated so much of Goodwill over last 5 generations.
Hats off to the Tata Group.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Be Positive
This Story is about a man who once upon a time was selling Hotdogs by the roadside. He was illiterate, so he never read newspapers.
He was hard of hearing, so he never listened to the radio. His eyes were weak, so he never watched television. But enthusiastically, he sold lots of hotdogs. He was smart enough to offer some attractive schemes to increase his sales. His sales and profit went up. He ordered more a more raw material and buns and use to sale more. He recruited few more supporting staff to serve more customers. He started offering home deliveries. Eventually he got himself a bigger and better stove. As his business was growing, the son, who had recently graduated from College, joined his father.
Then something strange happened.
The son asked, "Dad, aren't you aware of the great recession that is coming our way?"
The father replied, "No, but tell me about it." The son said, "The international situation is terrible.
The domestic situation is even worse. We should be prepared for the coming bad times."
The man thought that since his son had been to college, read the papers, listened to the radio and watched TV. He ought to know and his advice should not be taken lightly.
So the next day onwards, the father cut down the his raw material order and buns, took down the colourful signboard, removed all the special schemes he was offering to the customers and was no longer as enthusiastic. He reduced his staff strength by giving layoffs. Very soon, fewer and fewer people bothered to stop at his hotdog stand. And his sales started coming down rapidly, same is the profit. The father said to his son, "Son, you were right".
"We are in the middle of a recession and crisis. I am glad you warned me ahead of time."
Moral of the Story:
It's all in your MIND!
And we actually FUEL this recession much more than we think.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Will NIFTY Touch 4000 Mark ?
As per research, i am not pretty confident that nifty will touch 4000 in the coming days, i think the global uptrend this week is due to G20 submit and some changes on Banking sector regulation etc..
Reasons for Market uptrend for last 2 weeks
1. Leaders in the G20 submit have committed more than 1 trillion USD.
2. Timoth Githener is getting more support from wallstreet and the perception on his economic plan has positively changed.
3. Obama's government has unveiled clear cut plans for Afg-Pak plan with Iraq's exit strategy.
4. Sarkozy and Angela merkel have their own plans of economic reforms which for EU which looks like better plan than US, so there is a multi level approach from all the G8 countries to fix the economic problem which will ease the burden and dependency on US
5.Interest-rate cut in Europe, tweaks to accounting standards in the United States and hopes that a global economic summit would yield results.
6.The Labor Department said that initial jobless claims rose to a seasonally adjusted 669,000 from the previous week’s revised figure of 657,000 and Investors are bracing for a bleak report when the government announces the March unemployment rate on Friday
7. Obama's reset plan to defuse tensions between Russia and Iran.
8. Benjamin Netayanu's open statement that he will work for Arab peace process.
9. Reliance kicks off from KG basin
10. NDA gaining momentum on the pre poll election drama and investors are positive that NDA will form the next government Other than these facts i don't find any specifc reason for market uptrends.
Reasons for Market downtrend
1. GM and Chrysler are the sinking boats and anytime they will file for Bankruptcy
2. N.Korea's missile launch is inevitable between Apr4- Apr8 and either Japan or US will intercept the missile, which may lead to further retaliation from N.Korea against Japan.
3. Obama's is being isolated on G20 submit and held a separate press conference for foreign press where as other G20 leaders held a separate press conference which shows there is no unified approach between G20 countries
4.Stratfor has said that a 26/11 style attack in India before or during elections is inevitable and India is preparing to brace this attack.
5.High possibility for a hung parliament may also lead to instability on economic policies.
6. Indian companies will start to lay off jobs after elections.
7.No clear cut plan on Sattyam saga till now.
Can Rural Markat Be Sustained ?
Companies have struck profits in India’s villages.
But there are two lessons that need attention if the current boom in rural sales has to be sustained for long term.
First, rural consumers often have different desire and limitation than their urban counterparts. It is important for firms to evolve business models that can fit with the consumer’s needs—be it new price points, different product designs, smaller pack sizes or innovative modes of selling.
For example State Bank of India offer its zero-balance accounts for the villagers; Hero Honda’s attempts to win trust by getting its rural sales staff to be “more of a friend of the villagers than a bike salesman”; Hindustan Unilever’s use of local self-help groups to sell its products.
And the second one, both the government and companies will have to plan out whether the current strength in rural demand may be sustainable or not.
Marketing experts have written in an opinion that the recent spurt in rural growth “is owing to a combination of acts of God and acts of government, both of which have a tendency towards erratic behavior”. That is, a combination of good rains, higher food prices and schemes such as the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme have put a lot of money in the hands of rural households. Can these be sustained?
The strong and healthy demand of rural India gives profitable opportunities for companies that are rushing into this market. To win this battle, both the government and companies will need to get their act together.
The government will have to ensure that rural incomes rise because of higher productivity and a diversification of the rural economy rather than good rains and government handouts. Companies will have to keep innovating to ensure that their products and marketing strategies keep pace with the structural changes in the rural economy.
These will be the long-term challenges.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Principles For Any Business
The very first strategic essential for everyone in the Business is: Fully embrace the product plus services. Fully embrace it -- which means don't hesitate, don't try and put a wall around the traditional [products].
The second is to extend the business value advantage for the customers. When I said this I mean, "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts." Making sure that the product should collectively deliver even greater value to the customers -- that's an important approach for any company. The business may have to compete on 18 or 20 different fronts. It has to compete as a group of capabilities that interoperate well with the company and its competitors.
The third is to delight the customers with unparalleled experiences. It has to come from companies where the experience is fundamentally the differentiator. The company should focus on: What is the user experience? What is the interaction model? How can we advance that cause? The quality of the experience is number three.
Clearly, customers are the starting point. Spending a great deal of time with existing customers -- or customers who may have said, "You know, this isn't right for us. You're missing something." Getting feedback from existing or prospective customers is an important element of it. When we have a conversation with a customer, it's less about pitching specific products and more about talking through how we help them solve business problems -- which today means saving money, becoming more productive, things like that.
Number four is about innovation -- both taking advantage of innovation that's going on within the company and around the industry, and also driving innovation. Part of the reason why Intel, Google, Apple, Tata (Nano) are here today is to stake out the position that they are driving innovation more aggressively than ever done in the past. That's something, particularly during tough economic times, which they feel is important. Now is the time to double down.
Companies do absolutely take clues from some of the broader trends they see -- economic, demographic and so forth. Studying those trends and understanding what's going on in research are all important factors that come into the planning process.
They also take a look at what's going on across the company and with their competitors to understand other trends that they need to avail themselves of.
Number five and six are more internally focused. Number five is to show operational excellence -- quality in engineering, customer satisfaction, hitting the numbers, driving revenue growth, driving margin growth. All the things you need to do to run a business.
And number six, which should be held very dearly at any company more so than any other company is to focus on employee excellence. Everyone says it; I know that. I'll tell you: At good companies, there is more time spent, more investment in ... communicating about individuals -- their performance, how to advance their career, how to help them develop as individuals. It really is remarkable. Examples are Infosys, Tata, and Google.
Companies will be blessed only if they hire the smartest people, it should be huge attractor of talent. When you're in a meeting, when you're in an intense conversation, boy, it's rich. You're constantly like, "Wow. That person knows what he's talking about." It's humbling, because you realize you simply don't know enough to keep up with everybody in the room. The quality of the people is there.
So to foster any business in long term we do need the above 6 principles to make it a great company and a dream company to work with.